Welcome to our school! God, in His infinite love for each one of us, desires our happiness. He desires that we live life to the full (John 10:10), that we flourish and become the person that we were created to be from all eternity. Thus, the formation of each child is our priority: intellectually, spiritually, socially, emotionally, and physically. This goal informs all our programs, lessons, play, and prayer throughout the day. In this balanced approach, children, aided by grace, come to discover the One who loves them. Living in this Truth and Love, they are set free from what holds them back from discovering the happiness and holiness for which they were created. Further, our staff are united in this goal as they seek to be witnesses of an integrated life of faith and learning. From this united vision and mission, we offer an approach to Catholic education that provides support and formation for the whole family.
St Catherine of Siena, a great Dominican saint, once remarked, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” An authentic Catholic education at St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School has the power to set the world on fire. We pray that the children, staff, and parents of our school, through their constant contact with Jesus, the Word made Flesh, be inspired as missionary disciples of His Kingdom.
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