Providing a range of co-curricular opportunities is important to us because we value each child’s individual skills and interests, and we want to give every opportunity for students to grow and further their potential.

Our students participate in the annual Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, swimming lessons, as well as SCS Sport Gala Days. Further, we enjoy special programs that focus on a selection of sports such as netball, gymnastics, and dance.

Students are also involved in taking care of our herb and vegetable garden. Through these experiences, our students develop skills in taking care of living things and the importance of stewardship of God’s creation.

The Creative Arts are important at St Peter Chanel. The Amadeus Music Program provides students in Years 3-6 with the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Students are also supported by a weekly theory music class. The Jubilate Deo Sacred Music program provides students with the opportunity to train their voices as they learn the rich heritage of our liturgical tradition.